As with any surgical procedure, cosmetic chin surgery carries risks. Before deciding to undergo such an aesthetic procedure, patients should understand the risks associated with the chin implant operation. Although rare, these risks and complications exist, have been described and may occur even in the best of plastic surgeon’s hands.
Side effects differ from risks because side effects represent normal conditions that are expected after chin plastic surgery. Every patient will experience swelling of the chin region after such a surgical procedure. This swelling may be more prominent on one side leading to an initial asymmetrical appearance. Swelling will slowly decrease over the first 7 to 10 days. Bruising is common and can vary from minimal to “black and blue” appearance, commonly on the sides of the chin. Puffiness and bruising are always self-limited and will finally disappear. Most people are able to present themselves 7 to 10 days after their chin procedure. Some numbness of the chin and lower lip is common as long as some aspect of sensation is maintained. Dr. Fechner finds that it is important for his patients to know and understand these expected changes after chin surgery before actually undergoing the procedure allowing for a recovery that is emotionally less taxing and therefore easier.
A possible issue that rarely occurs after cosmetic chin surgery is that patient finds it difficult to accept the new facial proportions. For most people, it takes some time to adjust to the “new you”; in the rare situation, this adjustment period may be stressful. After a month or so, people feel comfortable with the face as a whole. Even less frequent is the final desire for more or less change to the chin. Although changing a silicone chin implant for a different size is certainly possible, in Dr. Fechner’s experience this is a very rare desire once healing has progressed.

Accurate placement of the anatomically designed implant prevents many undesirable chin surgery side effects.
Complications that have been described in chin surgery include tooth injury, sensation loss, implant movement, asymmetries, scarring, infection, pain, bleeding, contour issues and poor wound healing. Dental injury is extremely unlikely after chin implant surgery; it is a more significant concern when bone cuts close to the dental roots are performed. Sensation to the lower lip and part of the chin is provided through a pair of nerves called mental nerves. These nerves exit bone canals within the mandible on either side of the chin and then branch like a tree within the lip soft tissues. Although stretching of these mental nerves occurs frequently during chin implant placement, transecting them is very rare. Because after a cut through these nerves permanent lower lip sensation lip has to be expected, Dr. Fechner avoids any sharp “moves” in these delicate areas for best protection of the mental nerves. If the chin surgery would lead to pinching of the mental nerve, chronic pain could arise. Bleeding is possible in association with any surgical procedure, also chin surgery. Bleeding during facial implant placement is minimal and rarely an issue. Infection of chin implants is very rare. If it occurs though, medical treatment with antibiotics will be necessary. If not successful, removal of the chin implant may be required in order to allow clearance of the infection.
If you have more questions about the risks and side effect of chin enhancing, contact our office now.